
Good morning. 

Went to bed early and woke up early bc the doggo needed out. Was hoping to get some extra sleep in there but oh well. I've just been really tired lately and I'm blaming it on pain. New kind of pain in my shoulder and it doesn't feel too good. It's the middle of the week. Tomorrow is Halloween. Was gonna have a fire but it is supposed to rain. I guess pogo and I will just watch our movie. It will prob be nightmare before Christmas. I think he will like the music and drink some apple cider. Got the doggo on my bed currently and Halloween lofi on for pogo. Gotta do some laundry and a few chores, call the pharmacy and start studying my notes for my test. Still haven't heard from the psychiatrist as to when I meet with them. Hoping I don't run out of pills before then. They said they won't make me go without but I'm afraid that's gonna happen and I've been trying to make an appointment for 3 weeks now. Case manager meets with me every morning. We do skill building. It's helpful. Yesterday we discussed triggers and preparing ahead of time for them. Which I've been working on myself for a while now. Need to do a budget and Christmas list. Need to get a heating pad and save money to get this bird to a vet for a nail trim. They are taking back all the money I made at the rescue every month so that lowers my check. Always something. I pay for it one way or another. Well off to give the dog his meds and feed the birds and squirrels. Mom and dad started fighting this morning but it's her fault. Blah. More on that later for now tonfeed the birds and give doggo his meds.


Didn't write much today. Was busy. 


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