Happy Halloween. Didn't get to do anything for Halloween this year but pogo and I last year watched the nightmare before Christmas and read poes work and tonight we are gonna do the same. So it's our tradition now. Should make for a peaceful evening. Waiting on my case manager to call now. I think we are talking about distortive thinking patterns today. Then I have school work today I'm really struggling learning and hope my psychiatrist when I see them can increase my adhd meds. Got chores to do today too if it doesn't rain much I need to pooper scoop the yard and pick up sticks. By the time I get to have my me time I'm tired from my shoulder pain and just do my to do list and go to bed. Haven't even been reading for myself. Just ready to hit the pillow. Been running myself ragged trying to take care of the dog and house so no one can bitch. I just want peace and no bitching. So I'm doing everything to keep shit calm. Been pricing heating pads and hoping I can afford one this month that's cordless so I don't fall asleep on a corded one and burn myself alive. Lol. Paranoid I guess. Get paid tomorrow but my check is basically gon3 with buying for Christmas and I need to get pogo to the vet for a nail trim. It's prob gonna be expensive too bc a lot of vets don't handle birds so I'll have to find an avian vet. Unless I can get sugar creek bird farm to do it even though he hasn't seen the vet. We shall see though. Yesterday I had to take the dog out 3 times in a row while my cousin was here bc he was barking and they are sick of his barking and I don't want the yelling and bitching I just want peace. Pogo is talking more. And talking to me now so I'm gonna go give him attention.
Day was interesting. Watched nightmare before Christmas with pogo & got to read him some Edgar Allan poe it's our tradition we did it last year too. Parents were both in moods today. Dad especially. Don't know if it's bc he's sick or what. Was playing a video game for a bit bc I haven't played in about a week now bc every time I go to play for my me time I'm either too tired or something happens. But anywho I was playing and then my nephew and my cousins bf walked through the door and so the dog started and I couldn't make it in there fast enough and the dog went after my cousins bf. Thankfully just got his pants leg. But then dad kicked the dog. So I just hurried and got him outside with me. I keep having to take him out back when people show up bc my cousin comes over almost daily to get my nephew and he barks terrible the whole time she is here and I just want to keep the peace and have no one bitch so I take him out. I've literally been timing things on purpose just right to avoid the bitching. I really just want peace. I don't want to hear anyone bitch I just want to have a good day without constant nagging about something and want my day to go smoothly. And get everything accomplished that I need to. There just aren't enough hours in the day and my shoulder is wearing me out. Sorry to complain I don't talk to many people in a day not that I'm complaining I get more done. Anywho the dog was on one w the trick or treaters and his schedule being thrown off. Despite the episodes I did get a lot accomplished today and got to watch a movie and have some bonding time with pogo. Got a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping it goes well and I get the meds I need. But off to read to pogo and head to bed.
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