Good morning. Sitting next to pogos cage in my new chair spot. I like being next to him as possible. Shutting my door at 6 and having time with pogo has been nice. We get chill time together that way. Kinda like my own apartment when I shut my door. Bonding time with him is nice. Need to clean his cage and give him a shower. Gonna do that and my weekend chores tomorrow. Gotta clean my bird bath too. Birds and squirrels are loving their treat bell. A treat for the universe =]
Today I'm watching my meow-phews while my brother is in Michigan. He is gonna get me some edibl3s for doing it. Gotta make sure that they are fed at 4 and then I can come home and tend to my animals and feed the birds. Gonna bring my notes and switch over to keep me busy and of course get some kitty loving. Love cats. This all got through at me last minute but I'm handling it well and will enjoy the alone time for sure.
Gotta go at 10:30 to fill up my bird bath and feed the birds before I leave a little after 11. Have therapy Tuesday. Gotta find out what time my Dr apt the 18th is so I can to it and put it on the calendar.
Mood has been stable. By the end of the day I'm tired though from all I do. Hopefully this weekend will be good and I'll get everythingbdone I need too. Off to spend time with pogo before I leave.
Watched the meow-phews today. Gave them some wet food and treats and play time and love. I love cats. Got me out of the house for a bit. Didn't get to do my chores today but will tomorrow. Took an easy day. Not gonna talk to my friend on the phone for a few days. I need a break and she's just gonna have to understand that or not at all. She just wants to talk about herself and how miserable she is and I get tired of listening to it. I've done my share for this week. Her therapist gets paid to listen to her. I don't. She's doing her gratitude journal just to shove it in her therapists face so she can tell her it doesn't work and its something your supposed to do for yourself that helps. She will just never get it. Always wanted to one up somebody or sue. Just miserable and needs to learn to be alone and not codependent on our phone calls. I get she's lonely but I enjoy time to myself too. So tomorrow I'm deff not talking to her. She doesn't listen to me anyways. And doesn't talk to me unless she thinks I'm gonna call her. I know I'm being used but it helps sometimes to just be able to talk to someone. Wish I could find more people to talk to. But at the same time I don't bc people suck lol. Read pogo his bedtime stories and gave him some love and attention. He's eating his seed now. We're gonna go to bed a little early tonight. Ate a popsicle for my sore throat. Allergies suck. Blew out blood this morning when I blew my nose. Damn weather changes. Lots to do tomorrow. Need to clean the bathroom, living room, sweep the kitchen and stairs, pick up my room, clean pogos cage and give him a shower, study my notes and get ready for the week ahead. So off to bed I go. Tweet dreams. 🖤 🐦
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