Good morning. Woke up feeling tired and unmotivated. Feel a bit better after coffee and meds kicked in. Got all the animals taken care of. Got lots of chores to do today. Clean the bathroom. Clean the kitchen. Clean the living room. Take all trash down for trash day and clean pogos cage and give him a shower and clean my room. Hopefully get a minute to study notes. I've been neglecting it for a few days had a lot to do and changes in plans. Need to look and see what my project is gonna be like for the n3xt module. Not sure if it's a paper or PowerPoint or what yet. Also need to see what time my Dr apt is the 18th and make a list of meds I need. Off to do chor3s and finish my coffee with pogo bbl
Some of my bird collection pictured above. Got all my chores done today. Even got some bonding time with pogo. He was out for quite a while today. I just let him go back in when he wanted to and we enjoyed our time together. Ive been closing my door at 6pm and spending the rest of the night with pogoa cage open so he can chill with me. And not feel like a caged bird.
Over did it today. Vaccuming always gets to it. It's poured today but I still fed my birds and squirrels 3 times like always. Sometimes in my rain coat. I dusted my room and moved my alter and dresser around. Room looks nice and I Have everything I need.
Just need some sleep now. Gotta get ready for bed. Tweet dreams.
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