Good afternoon. Didn't start my day with one of these. Been a busy morning. Got some studying done. 20 pages. There's close to 70 pages but I figure if I can knock out 20 pages a day I'll be able to take my test starting Friday. Next module is an essay paper so that shouldn't be too bad. I'm good at writing papers. It's on evolution.
Case manager and I are working through an anger management workbook. Printed it out and filled out today's lessons and my anger thermometer for the day. I'm so thankful mybcase manager meets with me daily and all the skills I've obtained from her.
Pogo got an hour of fly time. Opened up the top of his cage and he liked going up there to bird watch. He even checked out his playground I've had forever that he never has used yet. Put parakeets on the TV today and he went nuts over them. So have to do that more too. Normally we just watch wild birds but he sure did like a change with parakeets today. I've been letting him out more and considering my room like a mini apartment. After tending to huck and makingbsure he gets everything he needs for the night then I shut my door and it's pogo and my chill time we spend it together. He loves the chair I put by his cage too.
Picking up my nephew after school, running to give my bros gf her birthday gift, running to get fast food for my nephew, and the gas station then home. Hoping to get a shower today too at some point.
Hopefully have a chill evening and no call from my friend bc i could use some chill time. That's it for now getting ready to go get my nephew
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