Been having a tough time. Today after talking to my case manager and opening up a bit bc I've been very guarded and still am. I feel a bit better. Waiting on my dad to get here so I can go get my hair cut and some nicotine pouches from the store. Don't really feel like going out but I know it needs done. I'm hoping this depression phase passes and I can keep going. It's always easier to get things done when you don't feel depressed. If only it were as easy as choosing to be happy. I'm trying like he'll though and using all the tools in my toolbox. Getting a little burnt out on everything and the situation w the dog is just escalating and I'm preparing for the worst. Trying to keep the peace has really had me stressing. But at least at night I can shut my door and have pogo and me time. Have tried to talk to my friend the last few days but end up getting off the phone quick bc I can't handle her constant bitching and negativity and one upping and friends are supposed to build each other up. Not tear each other down. I think I'm gonna go play a game for a bit while waiting for my dad. I hate waiting. Blah.
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