The situation w the dog is just escalating bc he keeps getting worse by the day. I used my last money to get the dog hemp treats bc he was out and these are supposed to be stronger. Should be here Monday.
I've tried walking the dog w my left arm but I know when I have surgery for the first few days I really shouldn't take him out at all. But he has Me up and down. Anytime he sees I have a moment to sit or look at my phone he starts barking nonstop. I try everything like a baby. I try to take him out. I try his toy. Treats. Alcatraz time. Massages. Sit in the floor with him. Reiki. Sing to him. But he's barking is getting worse. Dad don't feel well and is losing his job. Will have to start working from home and that's gonna be even worse on me and the dog.
Mom has said he may have to be put down bc he won't do well w another family. Dad keeps throwing books at him or threatening him that he will be a dead dog. Or he does things like clip the leash to the front door and slam the door and leave him out where he could easily run away.
He's already almost due for a toenail trim. Mom said it will have to wait bc the bill for that is about $500. For his sedation and all that. They aren't too bad yet. And I have to get pogos nails trimmed. I'm trying my best to get him trained to come on my hand. Prob gonna have to see/find an avian vet bc bird groomer checks vet records. So I gotta try and save for that and next month they are cutting my check by $100 for a few months.
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