Don't really feel like writing much today. But doing this so my self care pet can level up. Love the new finch self care pet it's so helpful and awesome and so are all the alarms and digital apps I downloaded for to do lists and notes. Made my life a lot easier just have to charge my phone more. Free government phone came today got it all set up and ready to go as a backup phone just in case. Didn't meet w my case manager today bc she couldn't meet till later and I had to tend to the doggo. That's okay though a day break from skill building is nice too. It's been a nice break from school. Been studying my bird shamanism book I really love it. It's pretty cool stuff and stories from native Americans in it. I'd like to find out more abou5 my heritage for sure. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Gonna go see the movie wicked in theaters and eat some good food and have a relaxing day out. Friday me and dad may go to Michigan to the dispensaries bc it's cheaper. That's the plan now anyways. If it changes I'm just gonna switch to thc capsules bc they are same milligram as edibles and wayyy cheaper. We shall see though. Things are going good. New increase in adhd m3d and should have it in a few days. Woot! Makes my life so much easier. Had some real bonding time with pogo today and made him a morning playlist so we can have some time together w coffee in the mornings. That will be nice. We'll That's all I have for today. Gonna do a few more things and get to bed and back at it tomorrow.
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