Headed to Michigan with dad. About an hour and a half away. Edibles are more cheaper there so it will be worth our Money for sure. Long trip though. Wicked was good yesterday and a nice change in pace for a holiday. Dinner was good too. Didn't meet w my case mmanager today bc of being out of town. Gotta order my things I need online and make another budget. Ordered my Xmas cards already. Gotta get addresses to send cards out. Few gifts to buy and Gotta mail out Linda's package. I'm glad I can do that for her and her fur babies. Been doing my self care app finch it's amazing and helps me so much..Gotta do payday errands. Already have my list made. Love my digital apps. Just have to charge phone more. This is my safe haven though and I love the format minus my pictures are.sideways which sucks but oh well it's worth it to have it all in one place.
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