
Good morning. Today is a new day. Yesterday I got some good news. My psychiatrist put me back on my adhd meds that work. Yay! That's been my issue is not having my adhd meds. I've really struggled in school. Getting a c average and that is not me. I'm an A B student. I have to fill out the contract for the stimulant and for my nerve pill which is a benzo. So after I do that by Monday they should call in my meds! Yay! I'm so glad I advocated for myself and got what I needed. My life will be so much better now!!!!
     Having coffee now with pogo. Got his cage cleaned and his new mirror in. He hasn't checked it out yet but hopefully he will. He doesn't like change. He is so smart though talks a lot and loves to spend time with me. I love our time together too. He is my soul bird. He got a shower yesterday too. Didn't Wana go back in his cage and I needed to vacuum so I tricked him by putting the TV on a fire and reading to him which he knows is a signal for bed time lol he's so smart. I love my baby birb.
     Today I have chores. Gotta clean the living room and bathroom and sweep the kitchen and steps. Take trash down. Need to pooper scoop the yard and pick up sticks and clean my bird feeder and bird bath but the outside work may wait until tomorrow depending on how much I get done and when. We shall see. Feel like I got a good night's sleep though for a change. Thats nice. =]
     Played the fortnite live event with my nephew last night and a round of fortnite with him. We won. Woot! I'm getting better at the game and it helps him relate to someone. He doesn't have many friends so I'll be his friend. I wish I had someone like me when I was his age. I'm currently downloading the new fortnite update so we can play together. He always is hitting me up to buy him skins he wants. Sometimes I do. But sometimes I say no too. My parents have him spoiled buying him fast food after school every day and he expects it. Lol. 30 minutes for the down load so far. I'm gonna go clean the living room while waiting and put music on the radio for pogo. 

I've decided a joke. So huck isn't an ESA and I'm a EMH: emotional support human. Lol I find it funny 


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