Good morning. Got a lot done yesterday. Body felt it and so I went to bed early. Time changed so it gets light earlier. Fed my birds and squirrels at 7am bc it was light out and my blue Jay's were right there and thanking me for their nuts. They like to sleep in usually but maybe now with the time change they will get their nuts before all the squirrels. I feed them 3x a day. Today I need to clean my feeder logs and bird baths. I knocked out the rest of my to do list yesterday so not as much to do today. I filled out my benzo and stimulant contracts for my mental health agency and my meds should be called in on Monday woot! So happy to be back on my adhd pill and nerve pills. Win for the books. I'll be able to have my life more organized and be able to study and comprehend what I'm studying yay!!! That's really been bugging me bc I'm not a C average student and normally get As when on the right meds. This biology is very in depth and has had me at times very overwhelmed especially with biochemistry. Yikes. Idk how I even passed that test lol. Got by by the skin of my teeth lol. Speaking of teeth I did have a dentist apt on the 8th to get fitted for my dentures but they texted me that they canceled it bc they are short staff so I have to call and make another apt with them. Sucks bc I want my teeth sooner than later. But I'll get there hopefully they can get me in sooner than weeks away. Did my tarot cards this morning. Good cards. Hoping there is no arguments today and I can have a peaceful day in accordance to my cards. Hoping to maybe get to play a little fortnite today too. New battle pass and map. Gifted the nephew battle pass and the snoop dog skin he wanted for doing well in school told him that's it till after Christmas. I got him a v buck card for Christmas. Couldn't find call of duty points for him so v bucks it is. Hopefully everyone has a good Christmas I got some of the shopping done for it. The worst of it anyways. Just a few more small things to get. Christmas is just a money hungry holiday and with all my trauma surrounding Christmas it's a wonder I even celebrate it any more. I would be content just being at home with pogo and huck and relaxing. Lol. Hopefully huck is chill today and its a good day all around. Be back later.
Didn't get the yard work done. Was extra tired today so I allowed myself to rest. Still need to rake my bird feeder and clean my bird bath but it can wait until tomorrow. Waiting until 4pm to give the doggo his meds and then will go feed the birds and squirrels and spend a moment in alcatraz and then have pogo time. Hoping to play a round of fortnite tonight. Idk why I even got the battle pass bc I never get to play but a round or two when I do play it. And if I ever get v bucks on there my nephew counts them like they are his. Sucks but oh well it is what it is and it's just a game. It does help me release some anger though that's why I play. But here lately I start a game and the dog barks and whines at me bc of his anxiety condition and I have to shut it off mid game so we will see if I get to play tonight. Also need to make my to do list for the week. Heating pad should be here tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait for it to come it's gonna be nice and provide me lots of relief. It's microwaveable and freezeable both. My body already thanks me for buying it. It was a bit chilly today but ended up warming up and being a nice day. Meet with the case manager in the morning and hopefully since I signed my contracts I'll have my meds in a few days though I know the one requires a prior authorization and I'm still waiting to hear about insurance and my Injections. Pain in the ass. It's been 2 weeks now. I'll call tomorrow and check on the status. As well as my new meds. Gotta keep on people's ass I find out to get anything accomplished. Sucks it's like that but damn do your job already. Need to study my definitions but also can't really focus so hopefully I can do that once I get my adhd meds back.
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