
Good morning. Having some coffee. Didn't do one of these in a bit so figured I would. It's 6:47 and I've been up since 3am playing fortnite. I never get to play so it was nice to be able to do that. I went to bed before 8 so I got plenty of sleep. Gifted my nephew the skin pack he wanted. I've probably spent $60 on him since last month. But I told him that's it till after Christmas. He has a birthday next month too I have to get a gift for. Blah. Money hungry holidays. At least I bought most of my Christmas this month. And it's nice I can do a little something for the people I need to. 
    Got back on my adhd meds and they have already made an amazing difference. My depression is better. Pain is better. And I can focus and get everything done I need to. So thankful for them. Got my nerve pills back too and I'm hoping to quit edibles bc I don't want people thinking I have a substance abuse problem and they are expensive and they make me hungry and I need to watch my sugar intake to get my A1c down. Adhd meds make me not so hungry so I have to force myself to try and eat at least small snacks so my blood sugar stays up. Blood sugar checks in the morning are reading a little high but sometimes they aren't bad at all. So it's kinda all over the place still. But none over 200 thankfully. I see the Dr November 18th so we will see what they say. Get fitted for my dentures tomorrow at noon. Hoping dad can get me there. He said he could but I know with his work schedule it can be hard. Will be nice to have my teeth again. I hate the way I look without them. My face is sunken in and it's just embarrassing. I can't wait to do tiktok videos again and not be embarrassed. I'm sure it will take me a bit to get used to the new teeth and hopefully I get used to them to where I can wear them. *fingers crossed* then I need to get my bottom teeth fixed and a partial plate made for them. 
     Got some studying done yesterday. Had a good hour of focus time. Got 15 pages studied out of like 70. Need to go through and number the pages so I know where I'm at in it each day. After studying and taking my test the next module is a project. Not sure what all that entails but we shall see. I'm hoping it's just a research paper bc I can do that papers come easy for me lol. Gotta send my friend Linda my notes bc she wants to see how much she remembers and wants to help quiz me if I need help. I feel like I should be further a long in school but I had a lot of hospitalizations and just wasn't in a good head space and couldn't focus. But I'm ready to tackle it now. So I will deff be studying today for sure. Hoping to knock out another 15 or so pages. 
    Animals are all taken care of minus feeding the birds and squirrels. I feed them 3 x a day. To most that would probably be too much but I feel like the universe isn't balanced enough if I don't. I go through a lot of seed and peanuts but the birds gave me a second chance at life and saved my life and I owe it to them. The debt I must pay. And the reward is watching them eat my offering. I love bird watching when I can from alcatraz. It's peaceful and a way to be grounded and mindful so I've been taking 20 minutes or so each day to go out to alcatraz and watch the birds. Love the blue Jay's. Corvids are dear to me. And blue birds too bc of my grandma. They are cool to watch too and I love the sounds they make. 
Need to do a few chores today. Got a few things done this morning already. Really need to pooper scoop the yard so I'm hoping I get to that today. If not I will for sure tomorrow. Lots of chores to do over the weekend too. And more studying. Huck needs some outdoor time out in alcatraz too. He is getting better now that I have him on a schedule but he's always gonna bark it's just the hound in him. 
Mom's already in a mood. Over me turning on the coffee pot early. Oh geeze. I'm over it. Lol. It is what it is. Did my tarot cards today and got the racoon again which encourages Me to take care of others and myself. And my tarot reminded me to rest and take care of myself also. Which I've neglected a lot getting in the same old routine and no time for me. Mainly bc I talk to my friend a lot bc she is having a tough time and bc by the end of the day when I do get a free moment I'm tired from all I did during the day. But this morning I played fortnite for myself and it was nice. Won one game. Got the new eminem emote for myself and my nephew. So I treated myself.
Anywho I'm off to start the day I'll bbl. 🖤🐦🦅


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