
Good morning. Leave here in 30 minutes to get fitted for my dentures. Can't wait to have teeth. I hate the way I look without teeth. Now I'll be able to do tiktok videos like I like and not be embarrassed. Woot! Wonder how long it will take for dentures to come in. Hopefully not too long. It would be nice to have them within a week or so for sure. Brushed my teeth and fed the birds and squirrels. Put a treat bell out there that I finally found string for while decluttering my room. Hope they enjoy it. A baby bird was napping in my feeder when I went out and listened to me talk to him for a while so cute. Met with my case manager this morning we discussed my life purpose which is to help animals bc they saved my life and helped me overcome trauma and I owe my life to them. Turning my life over to the birds and animals is what gave me a purpose and I'm here to serve them. A life debt. Bc they saved my life. Thankful to finally have found my purpose. Got all my notes highlighted yesterday and now I just have to read them a few times before taking my test. Hopefully I do better on this test now that my focus is back. I'm actually at least comprehending what I read. Next module is a project not sure what that will be like but need to look and see. Not sure if it's a paper or what. But this current chapter on evolution and the diversity of life has a lot to it. A lot of information and very in depth so I'm hoping I pass the test the first time. At least I got through the biochemistry that was rough and a huge accomplishment of mine to just pass it. Lol. 
   Went through my room and decluttered it. Got rid of 2 trash bags of stuff so far. Found some things I was looking for too. When I get home from the dentist I'm gonna do more. Gotta move pogo away from the window for the winter bc it's a drafty window. He will not like being moved from his window spot bc he likes looking out the window but can't chance him getting sick. I will still leave my blinds open so he can see out though and he has a uv heat lamp made for birds that will help him get sunlight. He kissed me the other day and is getting more curious. We have been working on training and making sure he gets at least an hour out of his cage. Last night I shut my door and we just chilled to our fire place. It was a nice change and gonna start shutting my door and doing it more often around 6pm. Our wind down time to make our to do list and gratitude journal etc and spend time together in the quiet without music which I play nonstop for him during the day. And bedtime stories of course. All about the enrichment and he never plucks his feathers out bc of stress so it works. And he is a happy birb. Loves 80s rock and my emotions music like MCR he loves and anything I love to sing. He says so many words. Sometimes I can't make out what he says bc the music is playing but he is definitely a talker for sure and has a parakeet garbble that makes it hard sometimes to understand him but he is a smart cookie for sure and my soul bird. 
   Off to take the dog out and go to the dentist bbl.
Went to my dentist appointment. Got an xray done. They didn't do impressions bc they needed the xray for insurance to cover my dentures. Then he checked my healing and I still have bone left that could be there a while. They may even have to go in and shave some of it down. I go back monthly to check progress and by next month's appointment they should know if my dentures are covered. It's really a pain in the ass and I'm impatient bc I want my teeth bc I hate the way I look and talk without them. So I was frustrated and angry and just rearranged my room slinging furniture around. It helped with the anger some. Room is all done and pogo likes his new set up. Put a chair w a pillow on it next to his cage so I can sit and talk and sing with him. Dog is on one right now. Will bebtill after my cousin and nephew leave. Then I'm shutting my door and having a chill evening with pogo. Just kinda want to be alone with pogo and have a chill evening. Don't think I'm gonna be able to quit edibles bc they really do help me. Stay calm. The nerve pill alone doesn't cut it at times. I'm doing the best I can but in order to chill and feel my muscles relax and eat the edibles help. So we shall see what I do about it bc they are expensive and I don't want to be seen as a drug addict. Bc I'm not. 
    So got my room rearranged. Need to clean the bathroom, sweep the kitchen, clean the living room, sweep the steps, clean my bird bath, leaf blow, pooper scoop and clean pogos cage and give him a bath this weekend. Also need to study my notes for class. It's just hard to on the weekends bc that's when I do all my chores. May do some running errands with dad this weekend too. He's off this weekend and Monday and Tuesday bc he's having a colonoscopy. Hopefully they figure out whats making him so sick. I been trying to pick up his slack some to make life easier on him and trying to keep the peace bc I just don't want any arguing or bitching as much as possible. I just Wana do what I have to do and then have peace. Off to smoke a cig and then get ready for the evening. 

Pictures is my new room change w pogo away from the window and my bell fird feeder already munched on lol.

Just tucked pogo into his little tent. Have the TV on a fire and candles lit. Talked to my friend on the phone for an hour and a half. I've talked to her more recently bc she's been struggling. But I got her on the Affirmation and gratitude journal kick and she wants to do it with me. Also her therapist mentioned her doing a gratitude blog and she's doing it just to show like in your face I did it to her therapist which is really the wrong motive bc so many good things can come out of showing gratitude including focusing on the positives of life and the good things and things that matter. Who knows if she will keep up with it but I do it no matter what for myself. Man my new candles look beautiful lit. I love them. Even have a timer. Score! Need to get more edibles from the store and nicotine pouches. Spent my extra money on Christmas gifts. Thankfully now I don't have to buy as much. Need to work on my Styrofoam harris head for the white elephant. Will be a good one. People usually Like the stuff I make. And fight over it too lol. Want to do an aviator goggle one w obituaries. Need to collect more of those. 
    Need to get myself on a reading schedule. There are so many books I have that I want to read. And not enough hours in the day to read them all. So I think I'm gonna read a different book each night and only read a little bit like a chapter in each each night. Just gotta write down what books and the schedule. So then I can read all my books I want to it will just take longer. My new schedule is awesome and I'm handling everything much better especially now that my focus is better. Got everything accomplished I needed to for the day. I'm off to dream land. Tweet dreams. 🖤 🦅🐦


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